The Art of Home Education – * – Invision Education

Let the journey be shaped by the curiousity of the child…

Celebrating Samhain – Multicultural Kids Blog

A few days ago I was lucky to guest post on Multicultural Kid Blog, a great site dedicated to raising world citizens, through arts, activities, crafts, food, language, and love.

I shared the story about our Samhain celebration. Here’s a snippet of the article:

Did you know that Halloween has its roots in the ancient Celtic festival Samhain? Modern pagans still celebrate this three day festival, which marks the transition between summer and winter. Here is one family celebrates this special time.

Samhain Explained

Samhain (pronounced Sow-ween) means “Summer’s end” and is the beginning of the dark half of the year. Samhain came at an important time in the Celtic year, as people made the transition from summer to winter. For the northern European Celts it marked the end of the agricultural year and the beginning of the new year. It was a time when the killing frosts came, animals were brought in for the winter or slaughtered, and the last harvesting was complete. They prepared to spend the winter indoors with their stores of grain, dried meats and fruits, and winter vegetables for themselves, and grains and hay for their animals.

It was also a time for great feasting, merrymaking and family gatherings, especially if the year had been a good one. The Samhain festival usually lastedRead more


Multicultural Kid Blog

About Multicultural Kid Blogs: Blogs dedicated to raising world citizens, through arts, activities, crafts, food, language, and love. You can follow Multicultural Kid Blogs on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. You can also subscribe to a feed of all of posts from the Facebook pages of all member blogs.

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This entry was posted on October 23, 2016 by in Autumn, Guest writers, Paganism and tagged , , , , .